Essays, Misc

I Got My Mojo Back: Writing Growing Pains

I’m excited! It’s been a while since I’ve felt this pumped about editing a manuscript. Don’t get me wrong. I love writing, except I think all the hours of writing, networking, keeping up with friends on social media, participating in any and all writing challenges I could to hone my skills, etc., were finally taking their toll. Burn-out and fatigue were creeping in and writing began to feel like a chore. Even sifting through my G+ stream to touch base with people and to check out new sites sent thrills of anxiety through me. “Am I doing enough?” “Am I working hard enough?” “What am I missing? What new site can I visit to help me get better?” When that nonsense went on long enough, I said, “Enough’s enough, girl. This is supposed to be fun!” I mean, yes, there’s a whole part to writing that involves not so fun things like marketing and trying to get your work out there, but the core of it all, the passion for writing, has to be maintained. And for a while there, it wasn’t.

Why? I dunno. I think I got too competitive with myself and started second guessing my creative choices, trying too hard to figure out what people expected or wanted from me. And a part of that is normal. We strive to improve at the craft, and we write blogs and maintain websites to make ourselves accessible to readers, as well as to get feedback from them. And I really dig all that. But there’s always the danger that the desire to please can become a burden and, I think, lead to burning out, or at least, to diminishing our passion for writing.


So, what changed? A mental slap in the face to refocus, for one. Also, reminding myself that it’s important to be aware of what people like and expect but to keep that in perspective. A writer can’t please everyone at all times; it’s possible (likely) to write something no one will like. Egads! What did she say??? Yes, it’s true, and I had to accept that, too, lol But the idea is freeing; learning through one’s failures is often the best of teachers, and so giving myself the freedom to fail shed the burden of always wanting/needing to be perfect.

In the end, I remembered that my job as a writer is to write, to be true to the stories bubbling around inside me and to do it to the best of my ability. Once I reminded myself of these simple things, I got my mojo back. Regular Show says, “Ye-ah!” (For those who don’t know the show, just smile and nod.)

Like everything in life, writing is a journey. Our skills grow and develop with us, just as we have the ability to stunt or release our creativity and ability by how we approach it.

Please drop me a line and tell me what you think or about your experiences/challenges with growing with writing. 

Happy writing everyone! 

30 thoughts on “I Got My Mojo Back: Writing Growing Pains

  1. I’m glad you found your mojo. I guess I’ve never really cared what people I’m reaching. I write in a small niche and that’s something I’ve come to live with. Truth is, I don’t worry about anyone when I write. I go for the story and that’s even. I’m encouraged when I find a new fan, but I don’t worry if they will like the next one or not. Some of my recent writings haven’t even been “horror” in a true sense.



    1. I know what you mean. I think I started to care more when it got closer to my book coming out and I was like, “OMG! What if no one likes it??!!” There’s a lot of work and time in those 200+ pages. Probably, I just let myself get psyched out. But reigning myself in and reminding myself why I write is helping a lot. 🙂 Oh, and wine and cake don’t hurt, much, lol


  2. Dyane – I’ve just recently come across your blog and started to follow. I’m trying to improve my writing,too.Isn’t that a never ending game, like housework? I’m about to open another one, strictly focusing on the craft, improving and my personal writing (like I have the time!). Anyway, I’ve been struggling with a one stupid little post and I’m stuck at every paragraph! Just tonight I was thinking almost the very same things you are writing about here. I’m trying to reach two audiences.because I DO want to share my interest in vintage books with as many as possible. Any way, thanks for the perspective — it’s nice to know I’m not the only one 🙂


    1. Oh, I feel your pain! It’s so easy to get bogged down with the how’s and what’s while forgetting the reason we even ‘signed up’ for the gig of writing in the first place: because it makes us happy. I’m so glad you were able to relate to this post and I’m thrilled you’re following the blog, but best of all, I really appreciate your comment. We aren’t alone! Take heart. 🙂


    2. Yes, I was considering doing that as well. I’ve slowed down my manic checking of social media, for one.
      Best of luck! And keep in touch. 🙂


  3. Having imbibed too much ‘mojo secret no.2’ last night I will keep it short! Just signed up to your blog ,Dyane, but am already a huge fan. Your piece is spot on. I constantly feel torn between 1)blogging, 2) tweeting, 3) facebooking and 4) writing but really they’re all part of a continuum. You do 1,2,3 to build an audience for 4). Getting the balance right between all four – now that’s a WHOLE different matter..


    1. Hi! Thanks so much!
      You’re right about the continuum–each step has a purpose but it’s easy to mess up that balance if we’re not careful.
      Save some ‘secret mojo in a bottle’ for me next time, lol


    1. ‘Oath’? Lol Autocorrect!
      Yes, it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot. When we get too busy and tired, it’s easy to lose focus on what’s important.


  4. Good for you! I just had one of those awhile ago, as I’m sure you remember my semi epic breakdown. It’s amazing how easily it comes once you realign yourself with why we do this 🙂


    1. Ugh, losing focus is way too easy a trap to fall into, but at least it can help remind us why we do what we love, or at least to appreciate it more. So glad you found your way out of your funk, too! 🙂


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