Author Interviews, Essays

Author Interview with Speculative Fiction Author Wade Garret

Let’s welcome today’s guest author, Wade J. Garret. Wade writes Speculative Fiction, showing a preference for Steam/Dieselpunk and Dark/Horror Fantasy. I had the pleasure of reading a sample of his book, Genesis:Book One of the Kingdom Come Series, on Amazon using the Look Inside feature. After that, I was excited to get to know more about him, his writing, and what he would like to share with other writers.


How about we get started?

Hi, Wade! Can you tell us a little about yourself?

32. Married. Dog. House. Beard. Student of history, anthropology and politics. I love all things geek: comics, anime, cartoons, fantasy and science fiction; plus I love tattoos, of which I have six, beer—darker the better—and whisky: Jameson.

Are you interested in other forms of artistic expression besides writing?

I used to draw but was very, very slow at it…I drew my world map, if that’s anything.

Why are you drawn to writing?

I’m a storyteller and since I don’t have crowds of people at the ready, putting it to paper is the next best thing. I got to thinking about it a few days ago and I think my love of storytelling came from my dad’s old jokes, really, really long jokes that require a lot of timing and build-up to tell them right.

What keeps you motivated/inspired?

Knowing that other people are out there doing the same thing; many of which I aspire to be like. To that, it’s kinda like hot potato, I don’t want to be left holding the idea when it’s too late.

What draws you to novel writing?

Once I get going, the world and characters just consume me. I always have way more information than I need.

Do you write in other formats?

I’m going to take a shot at short stories, I’ll let you know how that goes. I’ve also thought about writing screenplays, movies, but I’ve never really played around with the technique.

What can you never see yourself writing?

Poetry, can’t do it.

As a reader, what do you think makes a good story?

Dialogue is everything. Narration and setting you can almost live without if the dialogue’s that good. Think of it this way, can you sit in a dark room and listen to two people talk, without having anything but the sounds of their voice and know what they’re talking about? Good dialogue can supplement/express setting and secondary context in less time.

Very interesting point. I’d never thought about it that way.

What’s one thing a ‘bad’ book taught you to not do in your own writing?

DON’T OVER EXPLAIN THE SIMPLE THINGS, which I try my best not to do. I’ve read a few books, one in particular, where the first chapter went on about room; others, a roadside or chair or person and all to such a “T” it might’s-well have been a picture, but in the end, they remained simple. So what was the point?

What elements do you find are the most crucial to include in your stories?

Good and Evil. By this I mean, if something is going to be truly Good, then the opposing force must be truly Evil. Darkness can’t be weak or soft or stupid, it must be just as brutal as it’s supposed to be or you’ll lose the reality of it; which means make sure you don’t write your characters into a situation unless you’re sure you have a way for them to get out and don’t downplay the baddies just to save the hero(s). Otherwise, readers will know.

Excellent advice. 

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I’ll let the reader decide my strengths, but to my weaknesses, I think it’s a mixture of prefect imperfection. That is to say, I can reread things a dozen times and not find anything wrong with it…but give it to someone else and either hear them say it or read it over their shoulder and BAM, I see plain as day the error I’d made.

Oh man, I know that feeling

What draws you to your preferred genre? 

My genre is Speculative Fiction, under which is both Fantasy and Science Fiction, focusing between Steam/Dieselpunk and Dark/Horror Fantasy: I like this great umbrella for the simple fact it allows me to dance between the rain; I can pick’n’choose what I want and bring the reader along into my world without having to strictly stay in one box.

Why is Speculative Fiction popular?

It’s popular because of the freedom found there, which is also why it’s not nearly as popular as it can be. Some readers get confused. Some want that specific box. I say, dance with me between the raindrops…it’s more fun.

Very nicely put.

Can you tell us about your book?


Here’s the general blurb:

      Jak Hartlen, 19, the son of William and Mary, will face many thresholds of flesh and mind on his road to reaping the Whirl Wind; seeds of grief and guilt only now coming to fruition. If only they’d know what they were doing…

            The Gan and their Areht who shape the world behind the scenes will hate him, because he’s a threat they’re not sure can be chained. 

            The Pillars and their Faithful who spread the world’s leading religion will fear him, because his existence, once known, will challenge Ages of dogma and accepted history. 

            The Crimson King and its Servants who seek to return to power, destroying all that remains of The White, will hunt him, because even in death, they’re not sure he’ll ever bow to the Dark. 

            —They All Should. 

            For as One of Five with the power to shake the world, they will hollow his heart and mind through countless sacrifice and vengeful selfishness.



Here’s the Back Cover Blurb:

           “After a year of laborious solitude and a conflict brought to the doorstep of his father’s house, Jak, a Southlander of meek circumstance, will come to accept the future isn’t set. Through abilities unnerving to any Areht, against enemies rising in every corner of the planet, he’ll be forced to resolve his destiny as one of five that can change the world. Such selfless transcendence isn’t easy, nor simply the heroic result of dark revelations shielded from him since childhood now exposed; rather, it’s because of what’s undeniable, even to him. Like all great forces collected at the tip of the spear, the truth of his purpose and the price of his existence has a cost and there’s no getting around paying it.”

Here’s the Publisher Blurb:

            “Genesis: Book One of The Kingdom Come Series, is an ambitious, speculative fiction story in the epic tradition of Dune, The Dark Tower and A Song of Ice and Fire. Blending elements of gritty Steam/Diesel-punk and realistic swordweilding Dark Fantasy, this stand-alone manuscript’s crossover from Y.A to the experienced Science Fiction and Fantasy book lover. Readers seeking a strangely familiar world of intrigue, intense action and mortal failings vs. the injustice of power and spiritual corruption will be drawn to this book. And once caught in its exciting pages, they’ll quickly learn what really separates Man from what is Evolved.”

What do you find is the most difficult aspect of writing and how do you cope with it?

Time to write is key, but also Reading. If you’re not reading, you don’t know what else is going on in the medium. I squeeze out as much as I can, even if I end up throwing away w/e I created.

Yes, great point about the importance of reading.

Who are your favourite writers and why?

The typical list of Fantasy or Science Fiction authors you can rattle off, but I’ll say, maybe because I’m not sure how popular they are: Daniel Polansky’s Low Town, Mark Lawrence’s Broken Empire Series, Chris Wooding’s Tales of the Ketty Jay, and Mark Hodder for his Adventures of Burton & Swinburne. I was blown away by their styles; the fact I didn’t know anything about them, yet couldn’t put their books down.

What advice would you give to new writers, especially those looking to break into your genre?

Life sucks get a helmet. No, seriously, the market is saturated so make sure the story you have to tell is YOURS. If it’s not, why would anyone want to read it?

How can readers get into contact with you?

            -@wadejgarret on Twitter

            -WadeGarret on FB


            -My blog: Wade Garret’s World (

            -My publisher’s site: Black Bed Sheet


            Finally, you can find my book almost anywhere online that books are sold, both paper and digital in most cases. If not, contact me anywhere listed above and I’ll get you squared away. 🙂

Wade, thanks so much for talking to us about your book. Clearly, you are passionate about what you do, and I am sure it will translate to your readers. Readers, thanks for joining us today. Please check out Wade’s links and his book. And how about leaving him a message below as well?

Have a great week, everyone!


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