
Super Sweet Blogging Award


I’m honoured to be nominated for the Super Sweet Blogging award by the super sweet Jennifer Kirk: http://jayescraftedcards.blogspot.ca/ and Kamalika Jayathilaka http://rhymesablaze.blogspot.ca/ and Yolanda Isabel Regueira Marin http://lovepainandothercatastrophes.blogspot.ca/ who are wonderful, talented people in their own right. Please do them the honour of checking out their blogs! 

Jennifer, Kamalika and Yolanda, thank you all for this DELICIOUS award and I wish you all the best in your endeavours!

The Rules:

-Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that awarded you.

-Answer five Super Sweet questions.

-Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award image in your blog post.

-Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers.

-Notify your nominees on their blog.

The Five Super Sweet Questions:

1. Cookies or cake? Cake. I like cookies a lot, but noting beats the decadence of cake!

2. Favourite sweet treat? Sour candies and chocolate in most any form. 🙂 I’ve also recently discovered the charm of Key Lime Pie.

3. Sweet Nickname? Dy, nothing fancy.

4. What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? When my kids do things especially for me. Make pictures, sing songs or tell stories, all that cute stuff.

5. What is your sweetest memory? Touching moments with my kids. Probably our first summer at camp.

My Nominees: Note there are fewer than 13 but a lot of the people I could have nominated have already been nominated for various blog awards. I decided, then, to focus on highlighting new, wonderful contacts I have made. So they are…

Deb http://alamond0823.wordpress.com/

Jenn http://rajcmallu.wordpress.com/

Amanda Staley http://staleybooks.wordpress.com/

Robert C. Price http://fromacloggedmind.wordpress.com/

Laura A. Diaz http://ladiazbooksandbeyond.wordpress.com/

Oliver Saak http://oliversaak71side.wordpress.com/

Steve Hi http://stevehi312.wordpress.com/

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