
The Seven Things (About My Writing) Challenge

Recently, Ken Mooney and Lela Markham, two good author friends, tagged me in a fun and informal writing activity. The assignment: post seven things about your writing…

Only seven? Okay, okay. Write, then edit and revise, right?

*flexes fingers* Here we go!


  • For the first time, I’m working on plotting a novel. For my first two published books, The Purple Morrow and Wolf’s Bane (and basically anything I have written until now), I wrote them based on what I felt the story needed as well as how the characters evolved. However, now that I am writing the last book of my trilogy, I decided to modify my usual method to make sure I hit all the essential story points. I’ll let you know if I survive.
  • I’ve been off my normal writing rampage in order to rest my elbow, which has been hit with tendonitis for the last few months. Not fun.
  • My kids like to write as well. I like to think they have been influenced by watching me. 🙂
  • I love to chat with readers and other authors, and I get really giddy when I find new messages and review requests in my inboxes.
  • Self-marketing and promotion are the biggest challenges for me. I just find them emotionally and mentally draining, not to mention time-consuming.
  • I’m thrilled to be surrounded by great author friends who include me in activities like this. When I started writing, it was a really lonely time. Now, it’s wonderful to know there are people I can turn to for ideas, information, contacts, writing activities and collaborations, and even a shoulder to cry on. Writing’s tough, man.
  • I enjoy blogging about writing almost as much as writing stories. I think it’s because I like communicating with readers in a voice closest to my natural one (i.e. without all the trappings affiliated with fiction writing). I feel like I’m still telling stories, just in a different, more conversational way.

Now, who to tag? Phil Partington, Katie Cross, Cairo Amani. You’re up!



Wolf’s Bane is here!

There were moments when I thought Wolf’s Bane would never come out. I started writing it in 2012, and it has gone through many rounds of beta-readings and even more rounds of rewrites, then proofreading, and followed by more tweaking since. I was determined that the book following The Purple Morrow would be as good as it could possibly be despite being an independently published book.

Why was producing this book such a challenge?


There are a few reasons. Bane is my third completed novel but it is also the most complex one I’ve written to date. After having enjoyed building the world of Marathana so much, I wanted to explore it more fully and give readers more of a taste. This meant delving deeper into the various cultures and belief systems, creating new characters and people groups, exploring new terrain…no small challenge. As well, Bane is a bridge book, connecting the story’s beginning to its end, and it was a challenge to find the right story balance. Some betas felt there was too little back story, others that there was too much. And as the author, I didn’t want to give away all the secrets too soon, nor did I want to leave the story so bland that people wouldn’t want to advance to the final instalment. Finally, finding the right balance between my two main characters was tough. Morrow is Jeru’s story and Bane is Kelen’s, though both men are integral to each other’s lives, destinies, and the overarching storyline. It was a big challenge and I hope I did both characters justice.

Wolf’s Bane owes its existence to many people, and I will include them here. It’s been a long road to get here so if I forget someone please, please forgive me:

Beta Readers: Judith MacNamee, Authonomy’s Christian Lit Forum members, Zach Bonelli, T.A. Miles, Joshua Evans, Katie Cross, Bernard Cullen.

Thanks to my writing group for their support, enthusiasm and helping me feel that being indie is cool. And special shout out to Cora Siré, who gave me pointers on the poetic sections of the book.

To the Quebec Writers Federation for supporting local writers and for being an excellent resource over all (workshops, networking opportunities, etc.) It’s great to be around people who love writing so much.  

Thanks to William Bryan Miller for proofreading. He was quick, professional and on time!

To Phil Partington for keeping me grounded and for being a tireless listener (‘Being a writer is so hard!’). To Cairo Amani for having more infectious enthusiasm than anyone I know. And when it comes to editing, she’s almost as terrifying as Phil. To my super-talented sister Amy Hands for providing me with fantastic digital paintings of Jeru, and more recently, Bane’s  cover wolf in all its raging glory.

And to my family. Kids, you guys keep me motivated and I’m thrilled that you are proud of me. And to Sam Lampron, my super-supportive husband, for designing my book covers and for encouraging me to keep pursuing this ‘writing thing.’

Wolf’s Bane is available NOW at Smashwords and its affiliates. It is available now via Kindle on pre-order and for purchase as of Feb. 27, 2015.